Using winter tires can go a long way in making winter driving safer, so it’s no wonder why most insurance companies recommend using them. In some provinces, companies go so far as to give a discount on insurance just for installing them! But, because discounts vary depending on location, it’s always important to find out the rules, regulations, and discounts that apply in your hometown.
Winter driving comes with its fair share of hazards! Manitobans are definitely no strangers to the icey intersections, mile-high snow banks, limited visibility, and ice-caked windshields that make commuting a little trickier between November and March.
And, it’s not just the conditions that make winter driving difficult. According to Manitoba Public Insurance, inappropriate speeds, following too closely, sudden acceleration or braking, and poor vehicle maintenance all play a part, too. It’s no wonder Manitobans report a higher number of crashes during the winter months (which can have big impacts for auto insurance premiums).
Snow and ice reduce the amount of traction that a vehicle has on roadways, making stopping and turning much more difficult. Winter tires provide better traction than other tires, especially in bad conditions, and when temperatures dip below 7 degrees celsius.
All-season tires are made with a different type of rubber than winter tires are. It holds up well until temperatures go below 7 degrees celsius, when it will harden and reduce traction. Winter tires are able to stay flexible, maintaining a better “grip” on slippery roads.
It’s best to install your winter tires as soon as road conditions become snow, slippery or icey– or when temperatures drop below 7 degrees.
In some provinces, you will receive a discount on your insurance just for installing your winter tires. Unfortunately, in Manitoba, there is no winter tire insurance discount.
If you live outside of Manitoba, we recommend contacting your local insurance provider for additional information.
Winter tires won’t affect your insurance premium. This means you won’t receive an insurance discount, but it also means that there won’t be any penalties or negative effects if you choose not to use them. You can go ahead and install winter tires without worrying that it will impact your insurance premiums in any way!
Winter tires are only required by law in Quebec and on some of BC’s highways. Canada Drives explains that in Quebec, winter tires are mandatory for all passenger cars from December 15th to March 15th, whereas in British Columbia, drivers need winter tires only if they plan to drive on specific highways where conditions are unpredictable, like the Sea-to-Sky Highway, between October 1st and April 30th.
It’s worth nothing that although winter tires aren’t required by law anywhere else in Canada, they are strongly recommended!
Although Manitoba doesn’t have a specific winter tire discount, there are still incentives to purchase winter tires for your vehicle! Beyond the safety benefits, MPI’s winter tire program offers lower-interest financing of up to $2,000 per vehicle for those who qualify.
If you have questions about your auto insurance, contact us! We’ll make sure you’re properly covered before winter brings blizzards and black ice our way.
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Winnipeg Insurance Brokers Ltd. Unit 106-2565 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3J 0P4
Winnipeg Insurance Brokers Ltd. serves our clients and operates on Treaty One land; homeland of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Ojibway, Dakota, and Dene Peoples, and the homeland of the Red River Metis. Our drinking water comes from Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, in Treaty Three territory. We respect the treaties, the land, and the water that sustain us.